Greenville, SC photographer | Project 365 | Around the home

Another week of pictures around the home.  Spring started peeking its head around the corner, but the cold weather is still hanging on pretty well.  My husband and I are finishing up our juice fast tomorrow.  It’s been good, but I’m definitely ready for some REAL food!  🙂

This week I focused on my 100mm lens.  It’s hard to use around the house most of the time, but we found plenty of situations perfect for it, and I worked on tweaking the micro focus adjustments for those perfectly sharp eyes.  Enjoy the pictures, and, as always, feel free to comment with questions!

Day 54: 50mm 1.4 | ISO 640 | 1/100 - free lensed
Day 54: 50mm 1.4 | ISO 640 | 1/100 – free lensed
Day 55: 50mm 1.4 | ISO 400 | 1/320 - free lensed
Day 55: 50mm 1.4 | ISO 400 | 1/320 – free lensed
Day 56: 100mm 2.8 | ISO 160 | f/2.8 | 1/2000
Day 56: 100mm 2.8 | ISO 160 | f/2.8 | 1/2000
Day 57: 100mm2.8L | ISO 200 | f/5.0 | 1/2500
Day 57: 100mm2.8L | ISO 200 | f/5.0 | 1/2500
Day 58: 100mm 2.8L | ISO 1600 | f/2.8 | 1/60 pouty lips at the table
Day 58: 100mm 2.8L | ISO 1600 | f/2.8 | 1/60
pouty lips at the table
Day 59: 100mm 2.8L | ISO 1000 | f/3.5 | 1/160
Day 59: 100mm 2.8L | ISO 1000 | f/3.5 | 1/160
family picture © Julie Gayler Photography
Day 60: 100mm 2.8L | ISO 500 | f/2.8 | 1/160
Day 60: 100mm 2.8L | ISO 500 | f/2.8 | 1/160
proud of his pizza craft